About Us

Circle of Friends Gathering is an inclusive, non-traditional spiritual community.

Inclusive means we welcome all people regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion (or no religion), or any other condition.

Non-traditional means we are informal. We start with a shared meal. We share our ideas together and listen without judgment to each other’s perspectives and experiences.

Spiritual community means we gather to center around ancient wisdom, reflection, music, prayers, and table, based in the Jesus tradition, but open to everyone; no exceptions.

We meet on the first and third Sundays of the month at 6:00 in the Sweet House, 145 Sweet Ave. Fort Smith, AR .

Circle of Friends Gathering Format:

  1. Introductions:  we say our names
  2. Expression of Gratitude for the community and the food we will share together (or ask for a volunteer).
  3. Eating together: provide a conversation starter.
  4. Invite (ring) the bell, ask everyone to reconvene in the Green room.
  5. Moment of Centering Silence, sounding of the bell  3 times. Light the candle, saying:

“Life is a gift for which we are grateful. We gather in community to celebrate the glories and the mysteries of this gift.”

  1. Reading the Statement of Identity: (ask for a volunteer to read it)

Circle of Friends Gathering is an inclusive, non-traditional spiritual community, inspired by the historical Jesus tradition of teachings and practices, and open to wisdom from other traditions and practices. We gather to share a common meal, share each other’s lives, and discuss ideas for spiritual growth.  We also engage in projects to serve our community and beyond. 

  1. Reading the Principles we follow.
  • This is a safe space.  Everyone may participate, no one must participate.  
  • Leadership is shared, volunteer, and non-hierarchical. We will take turns leading the discussion.
  • There is no membership or fees.  We all share the cost of the meals.
  • All opinions and perspectives are welcome as authentic descriptions of one’s own experience.  We will not cross-talk (give advice or interrupt, speak to a person instead of the group or question what was shared.)
  • We use the rain stick method of permission to speak. (unless we agree not to)
  • We may raise funds by common agreement.
  • Photos will only be taken by permission and shared by permission. 
  • Decisions will be made by consensus
  1. Holding in the Light: 

We ask, “Who do we need to hold in the light?” A moment of silence follows.

  1. Music 
  2. Introducing the discussion topic. 
  3. Discussion (use rain stick)
  4. Collection (if any: pass the basket)
  5. Announcements & updates on community service actions (ask if anyone has any announcements)
  6. Serenity prayer